Thursday, September 18, 2008


While others say that there is not very much ambiguity in Cat on a Hot
Tin Roof, I would say that the entire piece is laden with it. Even the
title, an expression which comes up multiple times in the piece, is used
in many different ways referring to different people in different ways.
The idea of a cat on a hot tin roof represents discomfort with change,
even if the current situation is worse; stubbornness, the need to get
what you want no matter the cost; and indecisiveness, not being able to
choose what you want. Brick talks about drinking until he gets the
“click”. The click could be anything from: peace, to drunken stupor, to
the answer for his problems. While the click represents his hope, it
also represents his alcoholism. Even his past with Skipper is ambiguous
because the characters are not sure whether it was a gay relationship or
just a pure friendship. Big Daddy has been with Big Mama for more than
40 years and can’t stand her. Yet only now is he beginning to see that
he doesn’t have to be with her. But this isn’t just discomfort with
change, its also indecisiveness because Big Daddy cant choose who to
give the land and house to should he die. And yet its also stubbornness
because Big Daddy refuses to accept the truth that he might die,
convincing himself he is better when he is not. There are many more
cases but to keep it brief allow me to summarize this literary term in
today’s society. Politics - they tell you bits and pieces of what you
should know to get another meaning in what you need to know. The vaguer
the better. Even with the idea of the word “insurgents” a term that
means someone who rebels against authority or leadership. Yet of course
the idea is which is the right authority and leadership. Do we have the
right to take that authority? In today’s society - if two men go out
together or like clothes, are they gay or just good friends with taste?
Even in the way that people talk and react to things. People leave a
little uncertainty because people like options. If one option doesn’t
work, another can be used instead. I suppose ambiguity represents
freedom from a definitive.

1 comment:

Steven Wexler said...

Hey, man, I like your take on Big Daddy.